Kero Numerology: Numbers, Chart, Software and Books

Kero numerology is one of the few topics that is not often discussed, even with its many significances in the world of numerology. It is standard that as an ancient civilization we have a tendency to be intrigued with numbers as its shown in the way we count our days and years.

The number system today was developed many years ago and it is believed to have originated in India, and later spread around the world, starting with the middle east and then eventually Europe.

In this article, our interest is basically on kero numerology.

kero numerology
Information about Kero Numerology

Kero as a word comes from the term Chiromancy. Chiromancy is another word for palm reading. A man named Kero adopted this technique in the late 19th century and soon became a renowned palm reader and astrologist. Kero’s real name was William John Warner and was remotely related to an aristocratic family. He became increasingly famous after successfully foretelling the fate of several public figures and events.

This particular numerology system is actually a product of a more archaic system called the Chaldean school of numerology.

Pythagorean numerology method is another numerology system but the scope of this article is strictly limited to kero numerology.

Kero numerology aims at analyzing and describing the forces that are impacting our daily lives using numbers analysis. It is one of the oldest known numerology methods and used to predict people’s successes, misfortunes, and life.

Parents use this method to find a befitting name for their newborn child on the basis of the predictions against the birth date.

The primary essence of Kero Numerology is to find and describe the forces behind the lives and situations of different people and equally profaning solutions to resolve those corresponding problems.

Kero Numerology Numbers List

Kero Numerology makes use of the old numerological method and uses them in modern-day for forecasting.

kero numerology numbers

Kero numerology depends on old foundations and utilizes data from names, places and the numbers related to those data in order to give an overview of the true message they convey.

The Chaldean numerology system connects each letter of the alphabet to a unique number. Kero Numerology works with these numbers and helps derive data connected to names of people as well as places and objects. With these numbers, one is able to predict a situation and to envision the future.

Let us see the characteristics and elements associated with the numbers in the Kero Numerology system. These descriptions help us identify the nature and future of the people on the basis of their name number.

Number 1: The Sun, Golden, Ruby

The number signifies leadership qualities. They don’t give up on their creative capabilities, focus, positivity and strength.

Number 2: The Moon, White, Pearl

Not carried away by the crowd and they avoid the spirit of mob mentality. They are masters of creativity and artistry and they are very kind and cheerful. These people inhabit positive environments and they always try to stay out of trouble.

Number 3: Jupiter, Yellow, Sapphire

They are naturally born leaders; they don’t relate with everybody. They maintain a high standard, very disciplined and hardworking. They expect some level of maturity from others.

Number 4: Uranus, Blue, Ruby

The peculiar thing about this number is the ability to think outside the box. They are very innovative. They are not ruled followers.

Number 5: Mercury, Green, Emerald

Like mercury, they relate with people and flow effortlessly. They are always positive and good with other people. They dream big and always make that happen.

Number 6: Venus, Yellow, Diamond

The unique feature of this number is attraction. Apart from people, dreams and ambitions are attracted to these people.

Number 7: Neptune, White, Pearl

They are independent. They love to travel and they are always in search of knowledge.

Number 8: Saturn, Green, Sapphire

They are strong-willed individuals. They don’t always mingle with people and are very prominent in making history.

Number 9: Mars, Red, Coral

These people learn from their mistakes, gain strength from disputes and always try to be victorious. They have the potential for success but often fall victim to their uncontrolled attitude.

Kero Numerology Chart

There are several schools of thought on numerology chart with different systems for assigning numbers to letters. The kero numerology chart is what we shall consider in this article. From Kero chart, each letter of the 26 alphabets has a unique numerical value attributed to it.

1=A, I, J, Q, Y

2=B, K, R

3=C, G, L, S

4=D, M, T

5=E, H, N, X

6=U, V, W

7=O, Z

8=F, P

Kero did not assign number 9 to any alphabet because he considered it to be a divine number and should therefore be used only on rare occasions.With this chart, you can determine the meaning of your name.

How can I do this?

I guess this is the next question bothering you. It is very simple.

Take each letter of your name and match it with the corresponding number on the Kero chart and add them all up. If your answer is a multidigit number then, separate the digits in the answer and add them. Continue this process until you get a single number.

For example, if your name is Tom then T+O+M=4+7+4=15, then 1+5=6. Hence, the number associated with the name Tom is 6 (Venus, yellow, diamond).

Kero Numerology Software

They are much software designed to practice numerology to be able to predict the future well. This software makes use of kero’s char to help the predicted future and solve problems. Such software serves as the complete numerology guide with an array of tools and features to make numerology practice easy and effective.

  • It helps in forecasting the future: The software helps to deduce one’s career and profession, reveals love and also suggests the lucky days, years, gemstones and numbers. This software suggests them remedies to solve problems to make you happy and successful.
  • Well organized Database Management System: With this software, you can add, edit and store information about people for whom the Numerology reports are generated. The software also contains unique names and surnames to be able to suggest lucky names for children, spouse or relatives.
  • Powerful Tools: Additionally, Kero Software comes with numerology tools like Lucky Lottery Number Teller, All-Purpose Question Teller, Lost Object Teller, Compatibility Teller, and Migrant’s Condition Teller. You can use such software to check your compatibility with any object or number. You can also find the compatibility between two people for marriage or business.

Kero Numerology Calculator Software

1. Numerology Calculator v.2.1

Numerology Calculator 2.1 is a program applying the kero numerology system. This calculation is done with the use of vowels, constants, letter counts, and Master Numbers. This particular software has been downloaded by many.

2. Gematria Numerology Calculator Software v.1.10

This is another software for predicting the relationship between numbers and certain characteristics of an individual.

3. Numero

This software assists numerologists to calculate the numerical equivalents of names in the Latin alphabet. Numero is free software.

4. MB Love Numerology v.1.0

MB Love Numerology Software helps you put your love relation on test and tells you how strong the love relationship between you and your partner is. You can take a love numerology test with this unique software that does love numerology calculations and lets you know the compatibility level between you and your partner.

4 Best Kero Numerology Books

kero numerology books pdf

In order to understand Kero, there are many of his books to read. These books basically highlight the add-on to understanding numerology and palm reading together. the research and insight from these books will help you to master future predictions.

#1. Kero’s Book of Numbers:

It is one of the best books on Kero Numerology. It contains important information about people born on different dates, their lucky days, lucky colors and other characteristics. The book also gives concise information about numbers 4 and 8. It is an amazing book for beginners. This book gives a clear description on numbers.

#2. Kero’s Guide to the Hand:

This book is the original work of kero in 1900. He introduced the readers to the paranormal realm utilized by him most often – palm reading. This book contains any important information ranging from what the shape and size of your thumb say about your character to the interpretation of palm lines.

#3. Kero’s Language of the Hand:

This is a book on palmistry, kero’s Language of the Hand explains how readers can learn palmistry and practice them. In this book kero has revealed his research and secrets which became a guide to many works after.

#4. Book of Fate & Fortune: Kero’s Numerology & Astrology:

The importance of numbers is generally contained in this book. It gives vivid explanations of how numbers can predict the perfect place for any individual and the most ideal times for important events. This book prevents people from the misinterpretations of numbers carried out by some palmists, fortune tellers and astrologers.

Download Kero’s Books on pdf- Links Below

Book 1 Click Here To Download

Palmestry for All by Cheiro pdf

Cheiro's Book of Numbers pdf

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